New And Improved Sentrifugo 3.1.1 – It’s Launch Day!!


As the saying goes, ‘Good things come in small packages’, here is a little something to make your Sentrifugo experience even better!

Sentrifugo 3.1.1 brings you:

Usability Enhancements:

  • Privilege for HR to Handle Leave Requests: The HR now has the privilege to approve/reject an employee’s leave request. This reduces the sole dependency on the Reporting Manager and allows the HR to handle leave requests in the Reporting Manager’s absence/unavailability.
  • Improved Employee View List: We have done away with the employee grid and have brought in a new look for the employees’ view list. You can also easily search for any employee, using the new search option.
  • Increased Employee ID Limit to 5 Digits: Sentrifugo’s employee ID can now accommodate 5 digits. You are no longer restricted to maintain your Employee ID to 4 digits.

 Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed issue in Holiday Configuration.
  • Fixed issue in Service Request.

You can download or upgrade to the latest version. To find out more information you can comment below or write to us at

10 thoughts on “New And Improved Sentrifugo 3.1.1 – It’s Launch Day!!

  1. Hi, We are trying to upgrade version 3.0 to 3.1 but cant open the link given after we click on upgrade. Can you please advice?


    • Hi Swaapta,

      Thank you for choosing Sentrifugo. After clicking on ‘Upgrade’ button you can find a message saying, ‘Please click here to download’. Click on the link to download.


  2. Hi, Just started using Sentrifugo and it has been very interesting. However I have some issues with some fields and their character type and limits. For instance, the lastname field does not allow for hyphen(-); like (kwesi-kwame) for a surname.

    Also the employee ID field does not allow more than 5 characters. I tried changing the limit with my novice skills but not much headway. I would relish some help in doing that.

    Nice Application by the way.


    • Thank you for showing interest in our product and for your appreciation!! We are sorry to disappoint you, this change will involve a lot of code level and database changes. We will be unable to explain it to you theoretically.


  3. hi
    I hope a good day too you
    I am using sentrifugo version 3.1 everything it’s very good since 2 weeks I have this problem when I want to add a new category in assets he gives this message (You are not authorized to access this page.) Opss and another place, even when I am login with super admin…

    please, can you help me to fix this problem?

    another question if I upgrade to the last version, do any data lose it or some of it ??

    thanx and best regard


    • Hi,

      Thank you for showing interest in our product!

      Kindly provide us your SFTP, URL and Super Admin credentials of the application to debug the issue.

      Note: The data you share with us is safe and confidential.

      You can upgrade the application from the website. There will be no loss in the data after you upgrade the application. Kindly take a backup of the application code and database before you upgrade.


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